
24 June, 2011

Earthlings - En dokumentar om menneskers behandling af dyr.

Nu hvor jeg så sjældent blogger, tænkte jeg, at jeg ville finde noget, som rent faktisk var meningsfuldt nok til at dele med jer. Jeg har lige brugt den sidste halvanden times tid på at græde over denne fantastiske dokumentar, kaldet "Earthlings."

earth-ling     n.     One who inhabits the earth.

Det er en amerikansk dokumentar, fra 2005, skrevet af Shaun Monson og fortalt af Jaquin Phoenix. Den giver verden et indblik i masseproduktionen af dyr, til menneskets egen fordel, til mad, tøj, underholdning og sport. Klippene er voldelige, men desværre fuldstændig ægte og sande. Jeg opfordrer alle til at se denne film, uden at have nogle fordomme inden. Man kan trods alt ikke argumentere mod sandheden. 

Via den officielle hjemmeside kan man både læse om filmen, se traileren, og se hele filmen.

"We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures. And non-human animals experience sensations just like we do. They, too, are strong, intelligent, industrious, mobile and evolutional, they too are capable of growth and adaptation. Like us, first and foremost, they are earthlings. And like us, they are surviving. Like us, they also seek their own comfort rather than discomfort. Like us, they express degrees of emotion. In short, like us, they are alive; most of them being, in fact, vertebrae, just like us.

As we look back on how essential animals are to human survival, our absolute dependance on them for companionship, food, clothing, sport and entertainment, as well as medical and scientific research, ironically we only see mankind's complete disrespect for these non-human providers. Without a doubt, this must be what it is; to bite the hand that feeds us. In fact, we have actually stomped and spit on it."

Se den. I beg you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeg har nu bare set traileren.. Uf.. Den ser ikke rar ud! Stor respekt for at du kunne se den, jeg synes det er slemt nok at vide at verden er så ond mod dyrene..
Og tak for linket, en god reminder om hvordan verden egentlig ser ud.