
10 November, 2010


Me and best friend decided we couldn't spend another Halloween party just dressing as zombies. So we went to a costume store today, after school and bought fangs and more theater blood! I'm loving the fangs, they're sort of awesome. Maybe I should consider getting them made permanently? Haha!

Now, all I need to find is a slutty outfit for my vampire. Something dark and scary! Shouldn't be too difficult, considering I rarely wear anything colourful. x) Anyway, I know it's not Halloween anymore, but my school is having a Halloween party this Friday. We're kinda slow, I guess.


Cristina said...

Kan man ikke være vampyr uden at være slutty? ;)

LΛURΛ. said...

Jo, men det er ikke sjovt. Gnæk. - Når jeg siger slutty, er det slet ikke slutty. Bare feminint. xP